Call for Abstract Submission
The Scientific Committee welcomes the
submission of abstracts to be considered for scientific session for oral presentation, poster or video presentation during PACVTS Annual Conference 2022 to be held at Pearl Continental Hotel Lahore during the period of MAY 20-21, 2021.
Depending on the number of submitted abstracts and their quality, the abstracts will be selected for either platform or for poster presentation. All accepted abstracts will be distributed in the conference abstract book. Only abstracts that contain original data can be submitted. Review topics will not be accepted.
Deadline: 20th April 2022
- All submitted abstracts must be in English
- The content of the abstract is solely the responsibility of the author. The original abstract is reprinted exactly as provided. During submission, it must clearly indicate the name of the presenting author, who will be considered the contact person for all correspondence connected with the submitted abstract.
- All submitted abstracts need to have the names and surnames of all co-authors, along with their positions in their affiliated institutions.
- The presenting author can be any of the listed authors without affiliations to industry.
- An abstract must have a short, specific title (no abbreviations) that clearly indicates the nature of the investigation. It is encouraged that the title is set so as to attract the audience and to hint to the conclusion of the investigation.
- Title should be in capital letters and bold (Maximum length 2 lines)
Name (s) / Institution Authors are to be listed by full name with the presenter being underlined. Omit appointments, street addresses and area codes.
Abstract (250 words)
Times New Roman, font size 12, Justified, Line spacing 1.5
Text should include: Aims of the study, Methods used, Results and Conclusions supported by data.
Other-If symbols or graphs are drawn they must be legible after reduction for printing